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News & Events

The Magnetic Deflection

by Luke Molnar

Commentary by Emanuel Kanal, MD The Case A 68-year-old woman with a prior history of cerebrovascular accident and hypertension presented to the hospital with new left-sided weakness and hypertensive urgency. The duration of her symptoms was unclear, and she was not a candidate for thrombolytic therapy. She was admitted to the stroke unit and received […]

Laurel Bridge Software Moves to New Location

Laurel Bridge Software Moves to New Location

by Web Admin

The offices of Laurel Bridge Software were moved at the end of March, 2019 to a new location that is about a half-mile from the previous location. First official day of business at 500 Creek View Road, Newark, DE 19711 was Monday, April 1, 2019. No foolin’! Here is what the new facility looks like:     […]

Imaging Solutions introduces Gammex Phantoms to its range offering

by Luke Molnar

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Use In March 2019, leading Australian medical imaging accessories supplier, Imaging Solutions extends its range of diagnostic and training phantoms to include world-market leader, Gammex. Gammex is a division of Sun Nuclear Corporation, the worldwide leader in quality assurance solutions for radiation therapy. Gammex develops solutions to help ensure accurate screening, […]

Complex Enterprise Imaging Workflow Challenges Drive Growth in 2018

Complex Enterprise Imaging Workflow Challenges Drive Growth in 2018

by Web Admin

Laurel Bridge Software, a provider of enterprise medical imaging workflow solutions, experienced dramatic growth in 2018, fueled by continued health system consolidation in the U.S. and the need to overcome interoperability challenges resulting from both consolidation as well as the ongoing need to facilitate access to medical imaging data to improve clinical care. Included in […]

Introducing Compass Release V.2.6.3.

by Luke Molnar

Discover new improvements to the Laurel Bridge Compass™ v.2.6.3 Compass™ version 2.6.3 is now available for download for customers who have a current maintenance contract. Upgrade to the latest version to benefit from the new product features below and contact Imaging Solutions for information on how to download and activate the latest release. New Product […]

Event: EPSM Conference 2019

by Luke Molnar

Conference Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine 2019 Conference. In Perth the Engineering and the Physical Sciences in Medicine conference, EPSM 2019. This is the premier annual event for medical physicists and biomedical engineers in Australia and New Zealand. In recognition of 2019 being the International Year of the Periodic Table of Elements, their scientific […]

Event: Perioperative Nurses College Annual Conference 2019

by Luke Molnar

The Perioperative Nurses College of NZNO is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and furthering the interests economically, socially, and professionally of all Perioperative Nurses. We promote perioperative nursing through knowledge, understanding and fellowship supporting high standards of nursing practice through education and research. The conference is an ideal chance for perioperative nurses to catch up with […]

Exodus™ – Migration and Consolidation Controller

by Luke Molnar

How are you managing your archive migration and consolidation needs? Empower your organisation to safeguard clinician access to legacy medical imaging data by strategically managing long term storage of medical image data. Our enterprise data orchestration tools enable your organisation to internally and independently manage your archive migration and consolidation efforts, so they can be […]

Event: SAPNA State Conference 2019

by Luke Molnar

The South Australian Perioperative Nurses Association Inc (SAPNA) is an organisation which has been established for nearly 50 years and is an Incorporated Association pursuing educational and professional development of perioperative nurses for the ultimate benefit of all patients and their surgical experience. Initially the organisation was established as a special interest group affiliated with […]

Worth the Investment? Why So Many Breast Imaging Centers Choose Beekley Medical

by Luke Molnar

Article written by Product Manager of Beekley Medical – Kathy Kaschuluk 26 October 2018 Detecting breast cancers in their earliest stages is every radiologists’ mission. Having the right tools to help them do it, is ours. I recently attended an imaging conference sponsored by a renowned breast center in New York City and had the […]