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Verbatim Announces Colour-Background LightScribe CD-Rs

by Luke Molnar

Verbatim Corporation, the industry leader in offering the widest range of premium-quality LightScribe media, today announced the immediate availability of its new Colour-background LightScribe CD-R media in Australia and New Zealand. Sold in a 25 pack spindle, each package contains five vibrantly coloured red, green, blue, yellow and orange discs.

The richly coloured CDs were made possible by the new LightScribe Media Version 1.2 coating technology which enables enhanced image contrast.

Verbatim”s Colour-background LightScribe CD-Rs were specifically designed for LightScribe-compatible drives and software licensed by Hewlett-Packard Company (HP). With more than 20 million LightScribe-enabled drives shipped to date, drives with direct disc labelling technology account for more than 10 percent of all CD/DVD burners manufactured on a monthly basis.

By combining Verbatim”s new Colour-background LightScribe CDs with a LightScribe-enabled drive, consumers can use the drive”s laser to burn content on the data side of the disc and inscribe silkscreen-quality black text and labels on the label side of the discs. In addition to making the recorded discs more memorable, the colour-background media make it easier to organise a collection. For example, music enthusiasts can select blue for jazz, green for rock, red for pop, orange for classical and yellow for blues. Colour-background LightScribe CD-R discs are label-compatible with all LightScribe-enabled drives. For optimised labelling, Verbatim recommends that users always update their LightScribe system software to the latest version. Software and label gallery downloads are available at https://www.lightscribe.com/. To ensure broad playback support, Verbatim”s complete family of LightScribe media is compatible with all current CD-R, DVD-R and DVD+R standards.

For further information please contact Glenn Honey at Imaging Solutions Ph 07 3219 0822 or email at [email protected]