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Imagine a comfortable MRI exam

MRI Anxiety

Is your radiology department experiencing:

  • Delays?
  • Anxious patients?
  • Repeated scans of patients?
  • Patient movement?
  • Long patient queues?
Note: Pricing for this product is only available by quotation.

What our customer say

Listening to the customer is essential to make a product or service that solves a real problem.

We reached out to Matthias Kündel at Universitätsklinikum Tübingen to learn about how what they do to reduce the use of anesthesia and how they use the nordicComfortSolution.

“The nordicComfortSolution improves the patient experience. The monitor also increases the success rate for completed examinations.”

Tor Erlend Fjørtoft
Radiographer – Haukeland University Hospital

A common experience

Studies have shown that patient-related factors are still causing significant workflow- and economical hurdles for MRI departments. The common issues related to delayed scans are

• Patient movement (7.5-29.4%)
• Anxieties like claustrophobia (0.5-30%)
• Use of sedation/anesthesia (23% on average)

Patient entertainment during MRI

This solution aims to reduce the number of delays, aborted scans, and use of anesthesia or sedation by improving patient compliance throughout the entire MRI procedure.

Equipped with relaxing audio and video content, the patient will experience calm surroundings which may help to distract from the otherwise intimidating enclosure of the scanner.

Providing a familiar, engaging and safe environment can eliminate the need for sedation during a scan, important especially for pediatric patients.

Main benefits

• All content viewed from a tablet located in the MR control room
• No need for multiple devices
• Screen orientation is easily adjusted from the MR control room.
• Single-button volume adjustment and mute
• Integrated camera for easy patient monitoring
• Easy access to streaming services

Founded as a spin-off from the Bergen fMRI group in 2001 (University of Bergen), NordicNeuroLab develop and manufacture cutting edge tools that define the field of functional MR imaging (fMRI).

From state of the art post-processing and visualization software for BOLD fMRI, Diffusion/DTI, and Perfusion/DCE imaging to fMRI hardware for audio and visual stimulation, eye tracking, and patient response collection.

NNL products are used around the world by researchers and clinicians alike. Over 2000 installations in more than 70 countries, collaborations with leading institutions world-wide and partnering with main MR vendors, we are a global company.

Ultimately, we are dedicated to take the most advanced neuro-imaging tools to market while making functional MRI programs robust, reliable and repeatable.

We truly believe that fMRI will play an ever more important role in improving diagnostics and treatment outcome for patients with neuro related conditions. The brain is the human organ that we know the least about and fMRI will continue to help us gain a better understanding for how this unique organ works.

Our head office is in Bergen, Norway and for the US market our main office is located in Milwaukee, WI. In Australia we work with our distributor IMAGING Solutions.

Vision – All patients benefit from complete imaging information for optimized treatment.

Company Mission – NordicNeuroLab will apply world-leading competence and experience to provide professional solutions for functional imaging, enabling improved patient care and clinical efficiency.

Quality Policy – We are committed to provide the highest possible quality on our products and services worldwide. This is achieved through customer focus, continuous improvement and maintaining an effective QMS that complies with regulatory requirements.

More from NordicNeuroLab

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Want to Know More?

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