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ACETIAM MACS : Archiving of patients’ records and all medical data formats

A MACS (Multimedia Archiving and Communication System) allows to index, store and archive DICOM and non-DICOM data (JPEG images, MPEG videos , PDF documents…) produced inside or outside the healthcare facility.

Our medical data archiving, management and sharing solution is simple and intuitive. ACETIAM MACS platform is adjustable thanks to options: DICOM conversion (dicomization), worklist for exams planning (DICOM Worklist), access to multispecialty telemedicine services.

All elements are centralised for an 24/7 access and even outside the facility. this archiving solution is interoperable with all medical equipments (RIS, HIS, PACS and DICOM or non-DICOM modalities)…

You can find easily exams archived and their display is simplified through a filtering system. You can immediately access images from the main interface.

Key points

  • Intuitive Web Interface (HTML5) for an access in mobility
  • Integration of all data coming from DICOM or non-DICOM (ECG, PDF reports, MPEG files…) sources
  • Worklists creation for all departments without a dedicated Computing System (examples : Operating Room, dermatology, ophthalmology…)
  • Mobility : Secure access to medical data outside of the healthcare facility from every internet browser and from all types of support ( digital tablet, computer, workstation)
  • Diagnostic Web Viewer (MIP/MPR tools, PET-CT and PET-MR merge…)
  • Clinical Web Viewer for clinicians for consultation reasons
  • Sharing medical data (to the patient, referring physician, or other healthcare facilities…) through the Web Diffusion
  • Archiving outsourcing or hosting with our certified Medical Data Hosting partners

ACETIAM, the first French Telemedicine Editor and Operator, connects medical specialists and Healthcare Facilities, in real time and in a safe manner.

A range of solutions

ACETIAM targets as much healthcare professionals in public hospital, as private Medical Imaging Offices by offering the 3 necessary features of an imaging network :

  • Telemedicine: Secure and Structured exchanges of medical images via Internet
  • Medical Imaging Diffusion to patients and referring physicians (CD/DVD burning system, Patients’ exams and booklet printing, and Web Diffusion);
  • Integration and Archiving/Storage of Patients’ data (CD/images/videos/documents), and Management of Patient Worklists

Our vision

At ACETIAM, we think that when healthcare professionals exchange medical images in real time, quality and safety in the treatment processing get better. All ACETIAM colleagues, give all their energy to this goal.

Proof of Security and Durability

ACETIAM, created in 1997, keeps growing in France and internationally (subsidiary in United States). ACETIAM Solutions are based on open Standards (DICOM, IHE, HL7) on which ACETIAM is one of the most recognized international actor.

More from Acetiam

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Want to Know More?

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