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Laurel Bridge

Beacon centralizes and simplifies the on-demand Q/C management of DICOM study and patient data prior to its delivery to configured destinations, such as a PACS or VNA. Beacon is a component of the Laurel Bridge Enterprise Imaging Workflow Suite that enhances existing enterprise medical imaging workflow orchestration capabilities.

Key Capabilities

  • Centralizes the identification and correction of DICOM metadata issues during study import and acquisition, as well as on legacy data that exist in a PACS or VNA.
  • Facilitates quality management of DICOM study metadata from disparate clinical IT systems.
  • Correct study and patient demographic data that was incorrectly entered.

Beacon enables healthcare and teleradiology providers to manually correct and improve the quality of DICOM study and patient metadata during acquisition, import from CD or ingestion from a legacy archive.

Beacon Workflow

Beacon Workflow

The Beacon Study and Patient Demographic Q/C Manager includes the following capabilities:

  • Manually verify, and if necessary correct, DICOM patient and study meta-data.
  • Send verified or corrected DICOM objects to a specific DICOM destination, including the Laurel Bridge Compass Router for further sharing across the enterprise.
  • View the DICOM pixel data using a non-diagnostic image viewer.
  • Supports Local/LDAP login.

Beacon runs on dedicated hardware or a virtual machine.

The latest release is Version 1.3.2.

Recommended Minimum Requirements

Windows OS (standard/server) 10; 2012
MS-SQL server version + Management Studio Express*
Memory (RAM) 16 GB
Processor i7
Hard Drive 500 GB
# of network (NIC) cards (Gigabit) 1*
Supports high-availability configurations Yes

*Optional Features/Functions and study volume may dictate server upgrades. Microsoft SQL Standard and/or multiple NICs may be preferred.

Laurel Bridge provides solutions for imaging workflow, archive consolidation, and enterprise-scale application development to the medical imaging industry. Explore our turn-key and customizable solutions and discover how Laurel Bridge Software can solve your workflow needs.

Our industry leading solutions are the result of three decades of developing software for the medical imaging industry.

With our solutions, you can:

  • Integrate and customize components to create powerful solutions to your imaging workflow needs.
  • Automate image archive migration and support high availability of medical imaging studies to enhance data storage and retrieval and the diagnostic process.
  • Design, develop, troubleshoot and manage complex enterprise medical imaging systems and speed time to market for innovative solutions of your own.
More from Laurel Bridge

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