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Laurel Bridge Software Announces Support for RESTful DICOMweb™

by Web Admin

DICOMwebLaurel Bridge Software announces support for RESTful DICOMweb™ services as part of a significant software upgrade for the Laurel Bridge Compass™ Routing Workflow Manager. There is a significant industry trend towards cloud-based medical imaging workflows that depend on DICOMweb technology. Meanwhile, most existing PACS and imaging modalities do not support RESTful DICOMweb services despite an increasing need for cloud-based applications and devices.

Compass now incorporates DICOMweb support that enables the integration of traditional DICOM and newer DICOMweb. A number of new features have been added to Compass, including routing and conversion of RESTful DICOMweb services, inbound and outbound support for STOW/QIDO/WADO, improved security, and a number of other enhancements to support emerging cloud-based and distributed medical imaging enterprises.

Read more about the capabilities included in this upgrade of the Compass™ Routing Workflow Manager in the press release and in the recent PR Newswire story.

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