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Laurel Bridge Software announces new release of PowerTools

by Luke Molnar

Laurel Bridge Software released a new version of PowerTools™, a standalone suite of DICOM utilities and tools for the testing, debugging and troubleshooting of devices and applications that use DICOM.

PowerTools is designed for use by PACS Administrators, Integration Engineers, System Testers, Software Developers, Field Service Technicians, and others who work with DICOM. It may be used independently, or scripted into a variety of situations to: • Facilitate diagnosis, testing, and repair of DICOM communication problems; • Provide for the viewing, editing, repair, or creation of DICOM data sets and contents.

Improvements in the latest release include:

• A new console utility, called Indexer, was added to process the images in a given directory hierarchy, to create an index of specified DICOM tags into a comma-separated file. • DICOM File Editor now allows viewing of multiple files at once, displaying a four-tiered hierarchy of the images in a navigation pane that allows easy inspection of the patient/study/series/image relationship. • Performance improvements for applications that iterate over directory hierarchies, such as QueryServer and MWLServer.

About Laurel Bridge Software

Laurel Bridge Software, Inc. is a Delaware-based corporation, specializing in development and deployment of DICOMTM applications and tools for the medical imaging industry, especially in areas related to network communication for medical devices, appliances and enterprise medical imaging systems via high-speed local and distributed networks. Engineers from Laurel Bridge Software and its sister company, Blair Computing Systems, Inc., have been developing medical imaging systems for more than twenty years. Laurel Bridge Software has a wealth of experience developing PACS networks, modalities, workstations/viewers, archives and protocol or image converter boxes in a variety of configurations.