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Fashion is the Theme of the Day at Radiography Conference

by Luke Molnar

Brisbane, QLD, 15 September, 2010 – Fashion is often a critical element in the recipe for success for individuals and organisations in industries such as clothing manufacturing, show business and even the corporate world. The healthcare industry however, has for the most part been immune to the seductive lure of fashion – until now that is.

At the 16th ISRRT World Congress on the Gold Coast held from 9th to 12th September, a personal radiation protection fashion show was held each day of the event. The show, organised by Imaging Solutions, an exhibitor and distributor of leading medical imaging products, featured twelve models strutting up and down a runway to modern, racy music as they showcased the latest and safest radiation protective aprons, eyewear, gloves and other accessories.

“The idea behind the fashion show was to provide delegates at the conference with information about our personal radiation protection products in an entertaining and interesting way. I believe our shows were very well received, evidenced by the fact we received requests from some of the delegates to participate in the show themselves!” reported Glenn Honey, Managing Director & CEO, Imaging Solutions.

The fashion show’s models featured professional runway performers and Imaging Solutions staff as well as delegates attending the event. At the conclusion of each show, an audience member was invited onto the runway to mimic one of the professional model’s strut, in order to win a bottle of champagne. Imaging Solutions’ range of personal radiation protective clothing and accessories are manufactured in the United States and are available in a variety of styles, patterns and options. They can be ordered and designed specifically to suit an individuals or organisation’s requirements or preferences.

About Imaging Solutions

Imaging Solutions is a specialist supplier of superior medical imaging and general healthcare products to Australian, New Zealand and South-East Asian markets. Our extensive product portfolio is built around products and brands that are world leaders in their respective categories.

The company’s strategic and operational objective is to be the healthcare industry’s supplier of choice. Our critical point of difference is our single source supplier formula that allows us to deliver outstanding value and unrivalled convenience to our customers.