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Advanced Clinical MR Prostate Solution Makes Biopsies Less of a Pain in the Backside

by Luke Molnar

Urologists, radiologists and patients benefiting from more targeted interventions.

Until recently, urologists and other physicians commonly faced a difficult dilemma that involved patients having both elevated and/or rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels and negative TRUS (Transrectal Ultrasonography of the Prostate) guided biopsy results. An alternative MRI-guided biopsy solution – DynaTRIM or Trans-Rectal Interventional MRI – is now enabling physicians to conduct better targeted interventions of patients’ prostate gland.

This is, and will increasingly be, incredibly important news for many Australian men. According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, prostate cancer accounts for approximately 30% of cancers diagnosed each year in Australian men. It is the second most common cause of cancer death, after lung cancer and it has been estimated that around 120,000 Australian men are living with the cancer, and that this number will increase to 267,000 by 2017.

DynaTRIM is developed by Invivo and was launched in 2009. Invivo’s DynaCAD for Prostate solution provides physicians with a comprehensive, customizable set of sophisticated visualization tools for performing real-time analysis of prostate MRI studies. The pairing of DynaCAD for Prostate with DynaTRIM then enables a physician to conduct targeted MRI interventions of suspicious areas within the prostate gland, reducing the number of cores acquired during biopsy.

Bernadette Greenwood, prostate product manager at Invivo, stated, “[DynaTRIM] is minimally invasive, simply-to-use and is award winning technology: the 2010 Gold Winner of the Medical Design Excellence Awards.”

According to Dr Inge von Orort, Onological Urologist at the University of Medical Center in the Netherlands, DynaTRIM is especially important for patients that have had several sessions of biopsies with negative results.

“They only need a maximum of 4 MR-guided biopsies with a detection rate of 59%,” explained Dr Von Oort.

DynaTRIM by Invivo.

DynaTRIM is a first-of-its-kind fully MR compatible interventional device for Trans-Rectal Interventional MR biopsy of the prostate gland. It is a removable device that is designed to affix to an imaging table to an open design that allows for flexibility in coil choice and a cleanable foam pad for extra patient comfort.

  • Minimally invasive
  • Custom tailored to each patient
  • Easy-to-use, clean and reusable with sterile disposables for each procedure
  • Proven clinical results
  • Designed for Invivo needle sleeves and fully automatic biopsy guns.

DynaTRIM is comprised of a baseplate; clampstand; and sterile single-use, disposable needle sleeve. The DynaTRIM biopsy kit includes a sterile, contrast media-filled, disposable needle sleeve; fully automatic, MRI-compatible 18g biopsy guns in two lengths; 150mm and 175mm lengths to access difficult targets with ease; and phantom and phantom/coil holder.

DynaCAD For Prostate by Invivo.

DynaTRIM combined with DynaCAD for Prostate planning software allows for fast, simple, reproducible targeting of the prostate gland. DynaCAD is a digital imaging system with a comprehensive set of advanced visualization tools for performing real-time image analysis of prostate MRI studies.

  • Comprehensive summary of all important aspects of the study that you select
  • Custom graphics, logos, your facility name and selected images

The report can be exported to PACS as a secondary DICOM capture or saved as a PDF. IT is an effective communication tool for the referring urologist, surgeon, oncologist, or even the patient.