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Laurel Bridge Software Announces Support for RESTful DICOMweb™

by Web Admin


Laurel Bridge Software announces announces support for RESTful DICOMweb™ services as part of a significant software upgrade for the Laurel Bridge Compass™ Routing Workflow Manager. There is a significant industry trend towards cloud based medical imaging workflows that relies on DICOMweb technology. Meanwhile, most existing PACS and imaging modalities do not support RESTful DICOMweb services despite an increasing need for cloud-based applications and devices.

Compass now incorporates DICOMweb support that enables the integration of traditional DICOM and newer DICOMweb. A number of new features have been added to Compass, including routing and conversion of RESTful DICOMweb services, inbound and outbound support for STOW/QIDO/WADO, improved security, and a number of other enhancements to support emerging cloud-based and distributed medical imaging enterprises.

Read more about the capabilities included in this upgrade of the Compass™ Routing Workflow Manager in the press release and in the recent PR Newswire story.

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